📬 Your FlexRoles #11

So...What's a Flex Role anyway?

Good Morning Flexers! â›…

Are you ready to revolutionise your work-life relationship?
Our weekly newsletter has all the insights, finds and roles you’ll need to unlock the power of flexible work. 🗝️

Today’s Flex takes just 3 minutes:


So…What’s a Flex Role?

In the constantly evolving landscape of employment, the once treasured job security seems to be fading away.
More workers than ever are stepping away from the confines of a traditional career, into the world of flexible, fractional working. Businesses too are catching on to this trend, tapping into the potential of 'Flexers…
Click Here to Read More


Each week we set you up with one actionable tip to get you Flex Ready.
Your Task?… Get it done this week!… You’ve got this 💪

âś… Develop a Robust Online Professional Presence:

Your online professional presence can significantly influence your attractiveness to Flex Opportunities

Here are a few steps to help you establish a strong online presence:

  1. Define Your Niche: Flex/Fractional work is often specialised. Identify your unique skills or area of expertise and focus on promoting these. The more specific you can be about what you offer, the more attractive you will be to employers looking for those skills.

  2. Update and Specialise Your LinkedIn Profile: Your LinkedIn profile should reflect the niche you've defined. Highlight projects or jobs where you've used your specialised skills. Request endorsements or recommendations from past employers or colleagues who can vouch for your expertise.

  3. Develop a Results-Oriented Portfolio: Unlike full-time positions where you might be hired for potential, Flex roles are often results-driven. Your portfolio should showcase not just your work, but the results you've achieved. This could be in terms of revenue increased, costs reduced, or other tangible outcomes.


Here are our Top 5 favourite FlexRoles out there right now 🔥

That’s all for this week!
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